We are pleased to share that Wickr has been acquired by Amazon and is now part of the Amazon Web Services (AWS) team. By choosing to continue you are agreeing to be redirected to AWS’ website. When you provide your information, you are providing it to AWS pursuant to AWS’ Privacy Notice.
Wickr’s industry-leading multilayered end-to-end encryption ensures that your communications remain secure. Every message is encrypted with a new random key at the application level prior to transmission over TLS. Our zero trust architecture can tolerate a full back-end breach without compromising message content.
Wickr RAM enables full control over military data and communications. Admins can take advantage of Wickr RAM’s automation capabilities, which enables users to interact with special automated users, or Bots. For example, you can use the Broadcast Bot to broadcast information to your entire network of users in a compliant and trusted manner.
Administrators of private Wickr networks can allow users with free public accounts to communicate with those inside of the protected network without compromising its security.